Healthy Lifestyle

Clarity is Cloudy

Image result for clarity is cloudy


Annoyed. With unclarity and lack of communication. Yup, I am guilty of this too, and it is quite apparent that I am when I find myself getting irritated and annoyed with others and their lack. There is nothing more frustrating (to me) then asking something, and not getting a straight forward answer, or even worse, ignoring my question or dancing around it.  I am trying to be understanding that this may be a sense of uncertainty and unclarity on the other person’s end as well, as usual, so in my case. I find myself needing TIME to respond to things, otherwise, I jump into things that I may not really want to do/say/feel.

As Madonna would say “Express Yourself, hey , hey!”


Something is missing. From my life. From me. I can’t pinpoint it or figure it out. I try and try and try to put it into words, journal about it, talk about it, but I just can’t figure it out.  I go through a list:
Is it that I don’t have children?  No

Is it that I am not married? No

Is it your relationships that don’t quite feel right? Maybe

When you’re out and about in your town, does it just not feel like the right fit for you?  No

I know some things I do want:  stability, respect, communication, unconditional love.  I guess that is a start

So, I plan to take this journey in steps, here is the first one:

Getting Clear

As you’re going through your days, and even weeks, start to keep a log of what you’re feeling and when. The more details, the better.

It’s incredibly important to be able to pinpoint the moments, people and experiences that trigger these feelings. Even if your whole life feels like it’s in a funk, you have to start noticing more specific moments that cause that feeling in order to start making positive changes


My friend is currently overseas on his travel adventure. Croatia, Dubia, Krakow (YES!) he has decided to do a headstand in each country he visits. He is returning to the US the day I arrive in Poland. I thought it would be fun to “take over” his headstands. Let’s see how long we can keep this chain going!?

Image result for headstands around the world

Who will be traveling after me??  Join us!



By the dedication of all the volunteers at the animal shelter, I am volunteering at. Wow. I am so inspired and GRATEFUL for kind-hearted people in this world. They walk the dogs, advocate for the animals, clean up their crates, and so much more, the best thing? They give them love xox. We all need a little love

Look at some of these guys/gals:

Thank you to ALL that have donated to my fundraiser on Facebook 🙂

Thinking of a new pet? Please consider adoption, here is a great link



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That I have the opportunity to spend 12 days in Poland and Prague. I am SO excited to meet and spend time with my cousins, who have already planned all sorts of adventures for us.  I am excited to see my parents again (it has been over 2 months since I saw them last) and maybe most I am excited to NOT have to mow the lawn, and take care of the animals for a few days! haha



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What I did during the recent power outage we had

Miracle Creek  – I am back at it.  I am actually REALLY into it now. The first few chapters for me, were, s…..l…o….w…., but now? Now I am in!

Ask Again, Yes.  Disappointed. This had so much hype, and I was really excited to read this, but it just fell flat for me. Had difficulty connecting and empathizing with the characters.  It is amazing, how one persons “BEST READ” can be unremarkable for another

Fleishman is in Trouble  About 85% complete and it is reminding me so much of “Where’d You Go, Bernadette”

Would LOVE to check out these Literary inspired bars/restaurants!:

Writers Block Rehab

writers block rehab

The Library 

Image result for the library bar rittenhouse


I have “heard” that Trader Joe’s has a “dupe” for the famous Anthropologie “Volcano” candle, so I tried it. Yup. It’s pretty amazing and for $3.99 a steal!  Here it is (don’t buy from Amazon, it’s $3.99 at TJ)

Sort of obsessed with this song, it just makes me…………HAPPY!

Skip to about 1:30 if you want to hear just the song 🙂

Loving my new hair cut, its the simple things, and what a difference layers do. Love my stylist 🙂 Excited to try out my new Revlon brush, let’s see if I can replicate a “Blowout”  ….who am I kidding


Some photo’s from Poland!

From top left to bottom

  1.  Toron, Poland. Buildings dating to 1400s
  2. Toron, Poland
  3. Sopot, Poland
  4. Mom is in trouble
  5. Dad found some mushrooms, yes he is still alive (they ate them)
  6. Baked perogies, OH MY!

Dream Life

Pain-free. I have been struggling for years with hamstring/lower back pain. I have been to Physical therapy multiple times, and this last time has been so helpful.  I feel stronger and more stable when I am moving and using my legs, yet, sitting for me, is a real pain in the !@#$%^!  Worried about my upcoming long flight 😦  I will not take any medication for this, or have surgery, so I am determined to figure this out on my own 🙂

Healthy Lifestyle

My Life, I realize is suddenly July,

Childhood is June, and old age is August, but here it is, July, and my life, this year, is July inside of July.
— Rick Bass


Dream Life

Image result for children riding bikes

A world free from worry, hurt, pain. A sense of full body and mind freedom.   As I spent a lovely night and a remarkable day at the beach, I was watching and observing. I walked to get my early cup of coffee as the sun was rising and I noticed two children riding their bikes with their surfboards in tow. The excitement on their faces was priceless.  The only thought they had? Get me to the beach so I can have fun, soak up some pleasure and joy. Excitement. They most indeed were NOT thinking about the calories spent or burnt to ride their bikes, or if their adventure would burn off their breakfast. They were not trying to ride faster, or an extra mile in hopes of “earning” a special treat at lunch, or a second helping at dinner. They were free. Free from the worry, free from the pain, free from the thoughts that consume so many of us.

As adults (and with the help of our society) we have taken joy and pleasure away from ourselves. We grew up happy and free without a care in the world, then the pressure came. To look a certain way, to wear certain clothes, to be a certain weight, to have glowy skin, (Insert your ideas here).   How often do you do things for pure joy and pleasure? Move in a way that naturally feels good? Or is there something hidden behind your intention? No one is judging, I am not asking you to shout it out to the world, but, ask yourself the next time you are heading out to the gym, or for a run, or taking the steps instead of an elevator. WHY?

I know I want to try to live my life like those two little boys I saw this morning. Happy, carefree, and full of pleasure.

Image result for kids enjoying

Lately, I have been intrigued by the sky. I love the colors, the clouds, the magic.  It looks so artistic like someone just painted some strokes in the air. Beautiful and breathtaking. Dreamy.

Image result for beautiful sky pictures


  • Why would you ever choose to be with someone who is not excited to be with you? In my teens and twenties, I struggled with this. Seeking approval, trying to get others to like me. Yet, WHY? If someone does not like me for me and my quirky ways, why invest and waste your time (and theirs)  There are so many people on this planet, we connect with some, we collide with others. Spend time with those that lift you up and vice versa.  Mark Manson writes this incredibly straight forward article The Law of “Fuck Yes or No” states that when you want to get involved with someone new, in whatever capacity, they must inspire you to say “Fuck Yes” in order for you to proceed with them.  Read it here
    • This excerpt was also interesting!  The first problem is people who never feel a “Fuck Yes” for anybody they meet. If you are lukewarm on absolutely everyone you meet, then either your demographics are way off, or you suffer from a lack of vulnerability and are protecting yourself by remaining indifferent and unenthused by all of those around you. Hmmmm….
  • How to stop talking yourself out of things.  Guilty!  Yet, every time I did not think or plan something, it ended up benefiting me in so many ways.


  • How being decisive leads to success. Oh, the struggle is real!  Do I want an omelet or oatmeal? Yoga or walk? stay in or go out? For me, this all leads back to listening to and following my gut.  Ultimately no decision is a bad decision, you will always miss out on something but the beauty is appreciating what you gain from your choice.  Excellent article and tips here
  • Date yourself, first. Image result for date yourselfI love this idea and have been practicing it a bit here and there.  So many times we crave connection and affection, and what do we do? Try to get it from others. NO!  So many people fear to be alone. Yet, this is the best way to find yourself and someone you are compatible with. What better way to discover YOU, what YOU love, what you need, what you enjoy? Without any distractions. It is intimidating, it is uncomfortable, it is scary, but it is so worth it.  I have been doing this in spurts here and there for quite some time, however, would like to set up a more consistent approach.  While at my little shore retreat, I had the BEST date with myself. I did everything and anything I wanted to do. I wore what I wanted, went where I wanted, spent what I wanted, and guess what? I had a smile on my face the entire time.  My date? It started off with my morning coffee, just the way I like it.
    • I read, journaled a bit and made my way to beach yoga. Turns out, I was the only one that showed up, so I had a private session 🙂  We flowed beautifully together, on the beach, while the sun shone down on us. Wow.  Hearing the waves and the ocean in front of me, priceless.
    • Then I walked a bit and did some internal journaling. I found some amazing creatures that I stopped to check out (Something fascinates me about slimy things).
    • I showered, put on comfy clothes and hopped on my bike (with a basket to carry my wallet ) and went off to explore. I took my time, looked at and appreciated what I wanted to.
    • When I got hungry, I stopped at the cutest cafe for lunch.  I had the most fabulous date and I am really getting to know myself and fall in love. I am kind of smitten. I am kind of awesome 🙂
  • Stuck? Sit down with your tea or coffee, and start compiling a list of things you like or LOVE. This can be your go to. It can be simple (In fact the simpler the better).  Commit to it, commit to yourself. Commit to learning about you, being free and enjoying the shit out of yourself!


Beach days, beach yoga, sunshine


Brigantine July 2019

Friendship bracelet dates with my nieces 🙂

Image result for making friendship bracelets


Girl in the Rearview Mirror. Suspense/Thriller. I am hooked, really enjoying the suspense so far!

The Unbreakables – Contemporary Fiction, loving so far

Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret . Classic. I loved this so much. Judy Blume is forever in my heart.  Looking for an adult summer read, check out her Summer Sisters, always a favorite!

The Mother In Law – Meh, I rated it 3/5 stars. I have read some really great thrillers this year, so this is nothing remarkable

Did you read, The Art of Racing in the Rain? My mom and I listened to this audiobook on a drive to South Carolina one time, I CRIED MY EYES out. Did you know that the movie comes out August 8?   Read it. Go see it. Be prepared to cry.


  • Thanks to my love of yoga, my poor feet suffer. Sure pedicures help, but the dryness and cracking are inevitable. I have heard wonders about AmLactin Foot Repair, going to give it a try 🙂
  • Two friends recently mentioned and introduced me to jalapeno infused drinks! Yum!  Never would I EVER think I would enjoy them! I have NOT made this yet, but plan on it  spicy-ginger-jalapeno-kombucha-mule-cocktail
  • Finding humor in REAL family life, this is hilarious!!