Healthy Lifestyle

On Nesting Dolls

“Most of us are like those Russian nesting dolls, presenting a slightly different visage to the world depending on which world we’re dealing with at the time. The outermost doll isn’t a lie; mine still offers part of who I am, but it’s not all of who I am. As I get closer to people, the nesting dolls open and the masks change. But it’s a rare person whom I allow to see what’s at my core: my innermost thoughts and fears, my dreams and desires, my pettiness and peevishness.”

― Paul Asay


Cute denim slides!

What a great (Under $50) swim suit to paddle, surf. or just explore

This dress just SCREAMS summer!

The earrings that make me just want to DANCE into summer!

Adorable white mini (Great price too)

If I could tolerate wearing jewelry, would love this piece

Gorgeous gold heels, for some fancy events

Very pretty gold hoops


Are you obsessed with PENS as much as I am? No, well, move along then, if YES, check out the 42 BEST PENS FOR 2023 here

Traveling soon?

Love these 99 Travel hacks! Kind of shocked by 9. Use Google Incognito or a VPN to search for flights. Searching on the same browser and internet connection tells the airline that you’re looking to book and allows them to hike the price up.  Wow. Do they really do this? Asses 😉 Do you have any?? A few of mine:

  • Travel with carry-on ONLY if/when possible. Warmer weather is easier. I tend to throw a few things in a bag and GO
  • Have a travel bag with ALL my mini toiletries ready to go – refresh the supply once I return from a trip, so It is ready to go NEXT time! (So many great travel mini’s at Target)
  • I use google flights to seek out the BEST possible airfare. I swear by it!
  • Try to take the FIRST flight of the day available. The later in the day, the more possibilities for delay
  • As a highly anxious person, I have TSA precheck. Fairly inexpensive, good for several years, worth the time investment and peace of mind
  • Convenience is KEY. I am willing to pay more if I am tight on time, to make things more convenient. (e.g. flying from the closest airport INSTEAD of one further away that is less $$$)
  • ALWAYS give myself ONE day at home before heading back to work. I HATE not having down time, time to unpack, prep, etc. I always come home “early”

I recall and replay, more often than not, a not-so-kind memory I have from my early high school years (9th grade?) My “friend” was very stylish (or so she thought) and I have never been much of one for following the trends, but this particular day, I wanted to be seen. I wore a colorful combo, pink top, light blue shorts. I felt so proud of myself and fun and confident, until I arrived at her house for our night out. She teased and taunted me and rolled her eyes, laughed at me, made unkind remarks…..about my outfit. Talk about deflated. I took this to mean I was wrong, bad, foolish. I now see how cruel she really was (We are no longer friends) But this article inspired me to recall and retell this little event, and a reminder to ROCK WHATEVER YOU WANT. (Read here)

EVERY single crayola crayon color ever made!! WEEEEEEE!


The Only Survivors – Super slow read…,..for a thriller, and not in a good way. As a thriller queen this just did not do it for me. Too many characters to keep track of, unlikeable characters, and unbelievable situations. Just not for me, but it may work for you! 2.5/5 stars

One By One by Freida McFadden – (free on kindle unlimited) YES! Another great book that I finished in ONE night! Her writing is so engaging and will keep you up to finish it! Not my favorite of Freida’s, but still a hit! 4/5 stars

The Perfumist of Paris – needed a break from all the thrills, I am about 50% into this slow read, but its calming and enticing. I am curious to see where it will go!

Mad Honey – Just started so no thoughts yet, a friend recommended and told me to go in “blindly”. So, I am! Will report back. Its a long one! (For me)

Currently Reading: The Half Moon (So good), Central Places (only a few chapters in, but liking it so far!)

Other bookish things

Elin Hilderbrand (One of my favorite authors) Is currently on tour promoting her new book (Can’t wait for The Five Star Weekend) However, tickets are already SOLD OUT. So bummed

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I will definitely be thinking TWICE before swallowing some ocean water this summer, take a look at what is inside one tiny droplet of water. AMAZING

I recently heard our lives and life situations being compared to a nesting dolls. Those beautiful yet delicate dolls, carefully fitting inside each other, each time you open one up, another smaller version follows. Layer after layer, until you reach that tiny core, smallest version of the original doll.

This is a practice I am taking into consideration. When thoughts or problems arise, I have to remind myself to go deeper, go inside. Work my way to the core, because more often than not, the original thought is not the truth or issue. I have written and worked through several current thoughts several times, only to be shocked by the revelations of what questioning and digging can bring up.

  • Belief: I need to exercise every day


  • Belief: I’m afraid if I don’t keep the fitness level and intensity up , I will get fat and no one will like or love me


  • Belief: Because women are supposed to be beautiful, fit, motivated, all of it

And if you don’t?

  • Belief: Then people will think less of me and I will think less of myself, like I am a failure, or just an ordinary person, nothing special about me to set me apart


  • Belief: I don’t want people to think less of me and I want to be special


  • Belief: Because then I will be alone forever, no connection with anyone


  • Belief: Because people only want to be with me, or spend time with me, if I’m doing something for them, or unique or different. I need to stand out

And there you go, the belief that is ingrained in me since childhood. I need to put others before myself. THEY matter more than me. It is selfish to take care of myself and do what I WANT TO DO.

This is HARD, DIFFICULT and grueling work. I have a thousand thoughts and situations I could spend days writing and working through, yet I find myself with limited energy to do the “work”. Then I get overwhelmed with the thought “What is the most important/necessary thing for me to work through, FIRST”. The perfectionist in me, never seems to take a rest.

Yet getting to the root of my beliefs is …..healing and necessary. I am TIRED of living the way I currently do. Constantly overlooking things, being agreeable, not speaking up, for fear of upsetting or disappointing others.

Hitting that root belief hurts, and stings. Yet it is also so satisfying finally getting to that small, tiny, little doll, with nothing else to open…..

Let me know if YOU Try it out for yourself! Email me if you’d like to share YOUR experience and process: