Healthy Lifestyle



So many great upcoming books, I can’t contain my excitement! This month has been challenging. I have put down more books than I picked up. I just can’t seem to find anything to catch my mood! I am looking forward to March, here is more info on WHY March is the best month for new releases, plus a great spreadsheet to the authors most anticipated, sorted by release date (Weeeeeeee!!!) Here’s to getting out of my reading slump!

Tia Williams is back with A Love Song for Ricki Wilde, I read a blurb that this has hints of “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo”….SOLD!

I finished Meet the Benedettos with disappointment. I picked this up before only to put it down, so this time I was determined to make it through. It was not terrible or awful, just unremarkable. Not the book for the mood I was in. I landed rating it with 2.5 stars. Yikes

A friend recommended The Maid’s Diary (free on kindle unlimited) and it did the trick of keeping my interest and it was something I was easily able to get into. I ended up rating it 3 stars, but it did the trick !

Another friend rec, is The Spare Room, yup , just the pace and thrills I seek. It may not be masterpiece worthy, but it is keeping my busy mind at ease and intrigued.


Whenever I write or post anything body image related, I get so much feedback. I know many of you experience the same internal struggle, with what we have been “Fed” all these years about health, fitness, and weight. This article is another offers so many great tidbits or “epiphanies and makes me present the question to my own self, “WHY do I exercise/eat “healthy”, etc?”

– “And more importantly, I started to understand that “fitness” should not be achieved at the expense of emotional and mental wellness. Fitness does not equal health.

-Before, I felt physically drained and fatigued. Emotionally, I felt empty, shallow, and lost. My motivation was external. My relationship with my body was one of disrespect.

-This new way of thinking demanded that I approach fitness and self-improvement from the inside out, not the outside in. The driving goal became a desire to feel whole, content, and enough.

I am really struggling. My mind and body feel out of sync. Not at all in balance. The things I WANT for myself, feel impossible to attain, lately. I am full of anxiety. I can’t focus, i can’t enjoy, I can’t rest….. I am ……


That is the best way I can describe how I am feeling in my skin. Nothing seems right. Nothing satisfies. Nothing brings joy or pleasure. It is a constant state of unease. The thoughts run rampant during the day, during the night, during times I should be present.  

I usually have my days or moments where I am crawling out of my skin yet I can work myself into a better space. Lately, it has been challenging, near impossible. My head spins, and my thoughts race. I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to go to sleep, yet I want to stay awake. It is like my body is pulling itself and contorting it in both directions. I can’t seem to find a balance. Peace.  

At night I wake numerous times with thoughts of things I should do or want to do, things that I believe will bring me joy and happiness. An answer to the mystery of why I feel so down, depleted, unsatisfied.  

I perseverate and question what my mind and body both want. They both seem to be in disagreement most times. I live my life on autopilot because it is easier. Intuitiveness for me is difficult. So uncomfortable.

 It is easier to just DO what I do every single day. Eat the same foods, take the same workout/fitness classes, walk the same route, and order my coffee the same way. Eat the same breakfast, dinner, and lunch. It is just easier. One less thing to worry about. One less thing to question myself about being wrong or right

I can easily think back to the slow progression of when I lost myself and my thoughts became everyone else’s. I struggle to remember a time I made decisions for myself, intuitively, because it is what I wanted

Over the years, I have lost that piece of me. The individuality of myself. The joy that goes with living a life of changing moments. It is easier to keep quiet and do the things I am “supposed” to do. Be the “good little girl” I was told by the world to be.

I have spent a very long time, most of my life, living this way, so it makes so much sense that it is uncomfortable to challenge myself and change my ways. I am terrified to make changes, WHAT IF it ends up being worse? What if I end up not being good at something, not liking something, or just completely dissatisfied? These thoughts keep me in my safe space, my bubble. These also keep me up at night, questioning, wishing, and hoping today may be the day I am strong enough to take a risk.

My mind constantly is in battle, with itself. I am tired of questioning my thoughts. I am tired of being afraid to make a mistake or to be bad at something. I am terrified of failure, not being liked, or not being successful. I am terrified of gaining weight, making less money, and reading the wrong book. My world leans towards being black or white, failing to give in to all the beauty and color in between.

Most days I am still that frightened little girl, seeking approval from myself and everyone else. I still would rather make myself uncomfortable than be the reason behind someone else’s discomfort.  

I am also so damn tired. I am tired of the thoughts, and self-inflicted pressure. Tired of the mundane unfulfillment that holds such a sacred space in my life. I am tired of being unhappy. 

Small steps, in a different direction, are what I want and need to do. Making mistakes, upsetting others, getting uncomfortable. These sound so scary. But it is even scarier continuing to spiral in the current things that do not bring me joy.  

I want to be more present. I want to slow down and enjoy the moment. When my brain is moving and thinking 50 steps ahead, this is nearly impossible. I want to breathe, and allow my shoulders to deflate, instead of being raised to my ears. I want a gentle, slower, more balanced approach to things in my life. I don’t want to just rush through my days, anticipating the next…….what? That “next thing” usually comes with a price, which is not happiness.

So today I will try, I will try to slow down. Appreciate the things around me, the feelings and thoughts I have. Find joy and pleasure in the little things I do. Find peace with myself, and accept how I feeling in the moment. Listen to my intuition, allow it to make mistakes, and most importantly move on, not allow myself to dwell on them. Keep moving forward.

Currently, my cat is curled up by my feet. She is so content. She loves my company, the warmth of my legs. She feels safe. I feel safe. I feel warm. I feel her fur and hear her purr. She is a comfort to me. I am comfortable to her. If I can comfort her, I am certain I can do the same for myself <3. 


Cute and warm gloves

Loving my combo oil diffuser AND humidifier. She’s pretty too!

Can’t wait for an at home spa day/night so I can use my new hand mask! Perfect treat for those winter hands!

Just ordered myself some cool girl socks

A good black bag

Cute, polished (target) joggers (under $30)

For all you work from homer’s/home office friends, great standing desk

I think I want these in red

Oh! These are cute! 2 pairs for under $15!


Understanding pregnancy resulting from rape – Sad and mind boggling. The study estimates that over 90% of rape-related pregnancies happened in states with no exceptions(abortion), almost half of them in Texas

More than 1 in 4 U.S. adults identify as religios “nones”, new data shows. Here’s what this means

Fun read for all you foodies out there! Food trends

Oh My! A fabulous floating pool in NYC?

SUCH a great article about healthy/unhealthy friendships, along with graphs and breakdowns of each quadrant! (Love graphs!) Also love, Tim Urban’s “Traffic Test” You and the friend are in the car together driving home. If you’re rooting for traffic because the conversation is so good, they pass. There is also a great journaling activity, so grab your cofffee/tea and curl up on this rainy day (In NJ anyway!)


I still have not watched American Nightmare, but I have another contender to add to my “Watch” list. Based on the book, Capote vs the Swans looks like a great watch! (Streams Wednesday on Hulu)

Healthy Lifestyle

I Think You’re a Moth


After watching Saltburn, I am desperately trying to recreate my disturbing experience by finding a book with similar vibes. I went on a deep dive to search and found a few contenders, so if you are in the mood for a rich college campus scandalous book, try the following: (Most recommendations came from a beloved podcast book group I am part of, Book Talk, Etc.

The obvious would be The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Secret History, The Orchard, The Perfect Guests (Currently reading), One Last Secret, The Family Secret (so good, free on kindle unlimited, on major sale elsewhere) , My Sister the Serial Killer (was a DNF for me), Lying in Wait (I rated 4.5 stars!!), The Cloisters, These Violent Delights (looks so good), and here is the authors own list of books/movies that inspired Saltburn!

Do you have any to add? Comment below, or message me!

The Fury – I absolutely LOVED his first novel, “The Silent Patient” (currently FREE on Kindle Unlimited!), and yet feel like the minority here with my thoughts on this one, it just was not for me. I wanted to like it, it just felt very contrived? Typically I love an unreliable narrator but this narration just annoyed me!

I am thinking of starting my own chapter of a Silent Book Club, I envision dimly lit lounges with some fab drinks and even more fab people, to just sit back and read. If you are interested, fill out this form and I will reach out!


Perfect $10 tee to wear alone or under a blazer

If you are in the market for a $700 valentines dress, buy this

Fine! I am going to cave and try the cropped/kick flare look (((sigh))) will report back but these look like a start, or these $45 steals from H&M, more pricey. Maybe I will do a try on and share here:) But they need to be perfect. Fit great, comfy, loose. I am going to be very particular (Because I truly *hate* jeans (especially crops!) Loving these non-crops as well

super cute camo-ish pants

Sweater Weather! My sweaters usually end up thrown up at the top of my closet, every time I “try” to hang them, they get those ugly stretched out “shoulder” marks, so brilliantly, I just ordered a set of these sweater hangers to test out!

A dreamy desk/reading light

These bookends would look amazing in my office (Yours too??)

such a pretty gift for yourself or fellow book lover

Cute ruffly midi skirt for Vday or just any day!

I *heart* this bag so much!

Do you clean your washing machine? I do now

A great simple tee to style my new crops and lady jackets 🙂

Still thinking about you

Adore these hoops

I love my Dorsey earrings so much, I dream of wearing them to a dimly lit cocktail bar while sipping on the perfect martini, BUT I am terrified of losing them!! I have a terrible track record with losing my earrings ( I dropped one (Cheap) down an escalator in NYC while my cousins were visiting this summer, WTF?) The Dorseys are fab BUT they are not tightly secured to my lobe. It feels they may easily pop out, even though the backing is ideal, they are still worrisome. Wondering if these may be a bit more secure?

“The obvious way to buy back your time is to pay someone to do something for you. Pay the mechanic to change your oil or a dry cleaner to press your suit.

The less obvious way to buy back your time is to say no. Passing on a promotion might “buy” you more time with family. Declining the dinner invite might “pay” for the time you need to exercise. We buy back our time not only with the money we spend, but also with the opportunities we decline.

The more clearly you know how you want to spend your days, the easier it becomes to say no to the requests that steal your hours.” ~ James Clear

My head hurts and my heart aches. I miss feeling passionate about someone, something, anything. More frustratingly I am not sure how to bring it back. I suppose the answer is just like all other things in life. Slowly. One small thing at a time. 10% 🙂

So how do I fit this all into my day? My energy. My time and my own space. How do I do the things I need to do AND do those things I want? It seems unequal. And even if there are enough hours in a day, there is not enough energy. Both physical and mental. 

I am a cup of coffee, that just continuously is poured. I am already overflowing, brimming at the edges, rushing over making a huge mess. 

Any creative ideas I have get added to that cup and continue to spill over. So I suppose the only way to slow the process is to somehow get rid of the contents inside (The cup and myself) 

So how do I make room and space for things I love and enjoy? I have ideas but those do not seem conducive to continuing to support myself and make a living. So I must find other ways.

Is this where I speak up and speak my mind more? Will that give me more time, energy, and space? Perhaps? I suppose I need to try instead of just dismissing it already in my mind. 

I fear making the wrong decision or the wrong mistake, continuously. That little voice inside me tells me “You only have one shot you better choose right”. Yet, I know I need to silence that voice. Stand up to it. Because as I tell my students, It is OK to make mistakes. That is how we learn. That is the ONLY way we learn.

I am amazed by some of these women I follow in their sub stacks and newsletters. They are so confident. So sure. So good at what they do. I want to be that too, yet I feel like everyone around me has much more of an advantage. So I talk myself down. Tell me that will NEVER be me. That I must continue to do what I do, and make the best of it.

Then I pause. Would I ever give this advice to a student? Hell no. I don’t truly believe it for anyone else, but myself. How can that be? I deserve to be heard and seen and to take risks and chances just like everyone else. 

I want to be good at something AND passionate about it. I have ideas simmering in my head but am unclear on how to take the first steps.

I need a plan. Some small goals. Something I can do every day. I want to challenge myself each day in at least one area of personal wellness, career, joy, and creativity. This seems too big for me right now. Too overwhelming. I want it all, and I want it all now. This exact mentality keeps me in my safe space. My comfort. My security. 

Venturing outside of it is terrifying, but staying inside is pure insanity (Doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result) 

I feel like I am making small changes, YET they don’t seem right. Something feels off, unhelpful. Am I focusing on the wrong areas to make changes? Are they “safe” changes I am deceiving myself into trying to pawn off they are really changes? I know I can do more. I know I can focus on authentic changes. I just need to figure out where to start. I have a few ideas BUT I AM TERRIFIED…..Time to Rip that bandaid off…..


Winter horoscopes for every sign

Even more reason for me to visit England, Best open houses to see

Love the idea of having my own signature “House Drink” Here’s how to find yours

A look inside the creator of “Ms. Piggy’s” home, in Brooklyn! How fun and eclectic! I want to find my passion like her and make it exude through my own home!

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” (TED talk)

I want to go to Switzerland, and dreaming of going on this Italy yoga/art/culture retreat WOW

Some fun nail inspo for February

My talented friend is directing Mean Girls as her spring musical, I am going to prep be watching the movie, THEN going to see the live performance (They are amazing I have seen many shows before) Here’s the original trailerWho wants to join me??


Wow, just wow. I am NOT a T.V. watcher at all, the last show I watched was White Lotus, since then, nothing. SO, when I can actually sit through SOMETHING It must be insanely good! Have YOU seen Saltburn? Its on Amazon Prime and well worth the watch. WARNING: Look/read the triggers. This is vile. Volatile. Disturbing. Insane. Gross. Lots of things BUT it is also captivating. The cinematography is jaw dropping and oh-so-gorgeous. I think this is one of those movies you will either love or hate. Please watch it (if its your thing) and let me know your thoughts!

UP next (for me) American Nightmare. Will report back 🙂

Healthy Lifestyle

On Questioning

“There were many terrible things in my life, and most of them never happened.” ~Michele de Montaigne


On my radar (and on my reading challenges)

A book in translation, Antiquity, thought-provoking and emotionally charged exploration of desire, power, and the complexities of human relationships, set against the backdrop of a beautiful but isolated Greek island.

A memoir, Splinters, a deeply personal and introspective exploration of the complexities of love, relationships, and personal growth.

From an author I have loved, Come & Get It, desire, consumption, and reckless abandon, set against the backdrop of a university campus, with a focus on the complexities of human relationships and the blurred lines between right and wrong.

Something different, I Love You So Much It’s Killing Us Both, Susan Choi’s Trust Exercise meets Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity in a Black woman’s coming-of-age story, chronicling a life-changing friendship, the interplay between music fandom and identity, and the slipperiness of sanity

Something funny, Interesting Facts About Space, the main character has a phobia of …….bald men (LOLOL)

Loving a Lisa Jewell backlist, The Family Remains. Quick and lots of turns!


“What do I actually want?” And “What do I actually like?”

Aren’t those interesting questions? This is my current practice, as of right now. The trigger has been….my couch. I have had my couch for years. I purchased it with the learned knowledge that “leather” is better. Those were just another one of those stories I grew up with and began to believe were true. My cat agrees as she has taken my couch a large scratching post (That leather must feel great on her kitty claws). Yet, as I stare at that couch, that I NEVER sit on, use, or enjoy. I ask. “Do I even like it?” I already know the answer to that question. I most certainly do not like it. It has always felt cold. Uncomfortable. Awkward. Sure, it looks beautiful. Others always compliment it. Yet I dislike it so much that I refuse to sit on it. This prevents me from having another cozy spot to journal, read, and watch TV. It just sits there. For the enjoyment of others. Waiting to be complimented on its beauty. Ready to be scratched and poked by Penny (the cat).

I have contemplated getting a new couch for quite some time, yet something always gets in the way. I worry that couch, too, will become another scratching post. I worry I will make the WRONG decision and be stuck yet again with a couch I do not love or use. I worry that I can’t afford it, or that I could use that money for better use/purposes. After all, I have a couch! Why do I need a new one?

But I also dream of having a cozy spot to curl up on, fall asleep on, and watch movies on. I want to get use out of it, instead of avoiding it.

This is not just about my couch. This is my life in general. I am preparing to ask myself these questions in all areas of my life. “Do I like/enjoy this?”. Whether it is the new book (that everyone else is LOVING and raving about) a career (that everyone keeps telling me is the perfect job) or the relationships in my life. Some things look great through the eyes of others, yet deep down, my intuition and I know what is best for me.

I look back over the years and now realize how long I have stayed with things/people/decisions that were NOT for me, but created by others. I devalue myself. I allow others to appear better and smarter and to know what is best for me. I have such little faith and trust in myself. Then I ponder why I feel so devalued, so small and insignificant.

I have made myself small. Conformed and contorted myself to appease others. Take their word instead of my thoughts, and now I am stuck with and in things, I do not truly want or desire (like my couch!!!).

I am proud of myself for acknowledging this. This is the easy part. The difficulty comes when I need to speak up. I feel often that when I speak, I am immediately swatted down, away. This leaves me feeling like a scolded child. I am wrong. Bad, horrible. Believing in myself is the journey. Taking risks and chances. Making changes. Doing things I want to do regardless if anyone else agrees. This is the challenge. This is difficult work.

I wish it were easy for me, I admire those who have clear boundaries and can already trust themselves. Our past experiences encrypt themselves in our brains. I am working towards unlearning a lot of things/voices/beliefs that I have had.

So, I am going to shop for a new couch. I am going to sit on it, lay on it, put my feet up. Envision and mock curling up and reading. I will ask myself “Do I like this couch, Do I want this couch?”. I am going to listen to my gut. Let it sit. Let the answers arise, even if I don’t like them.

I am also going to listen to others but continue to make my own decisions. I am going to try not to get defensive or angry, as this too, is a struggle. I can let others say their piece and continue to stand behind my desires.

What is ONE thing you will ask yourself today if you truly enjoy? My list is very long, and I’ve got some work to do, but in the end, I know I will be rewarded with self-respect, power, and….a new couch 🙂

Other fun SHARES

So excited to see a new local coffee shop opening in Moorestown! Who would like to join me?

Manageable and creative ways to stay in touch when you are in your SLOW season. These are SOOOO GOOD. Would love to do one, if there is any interest???

An excellent Habit Tracker, still not sure how/what I will use this for? Most likely book related, but it is perfection (Make a copy if you’d like to use it, AND share HOW you are using it!)

Teens obsession with Drunk Elephant (YIKES)

All of the styles of these decomposition books

A great blazer

Stiill waiting for these to go back in stock

In a pinch for an affordable diamond necklace for an upcoming event, this one is under $15

I purchased a jumpsuit before that just did not work for me, hoping this one does the trick!

An absolutely PERFECT desk calendar

The perfect hobo bag for an upcoming trip, or summer 🙂

This denim blazer is FINALLY on sale. I have been eyeing it forever!

Cute cozy lounge set to wear around the house!

If you like shiny lips, give this oil a try (I prefer matte)

Such a cute tweed dress (Tweed is my current obsession, yet I own NOTHING tweed) – Also I can vouch for the FAB quality of Tuckernuck, great great great dresses. And drooling over this Easter contender AND the sweetest little skirt!

Camo cargo (sold out) similar here

A sneaky sweatshirt, that disguises as something much fancier

If you wear this, prepare to be cuddled all day long

Back in stock ,do I pull the trigger? I did, Merry Christmas, Happy Bday and Happy Valentines day to me!


Here I am again. Most people make it a goal to WATCH less televsion. But, I am not most people. I struggle with television. I will not dive into my reasons but it is quite the challenge. The last thing I watched, years ago, was White Lotus. That grasped me and gave me such mindless pleasure! I would love to add a show or movie into my weeknight/weekend schedule but am nervous to select one that will deter me….So I have done my research and am hoping I can find something I like (enough). I love watching rich people behaving badly….

Speaking of White Lotus. I cannot wait until the next season….looks like I will have to wait quite a bit, BUT the cast looks amazing.

Here is my current TO WATCH list:

Enlightened (HBO Max) Amy Jellicoe was a successful corporate buyer. Then she lost control…and found herself in the process. Laura Dern stars in this HBO series as Amy who returns from a treatment facility after having a breakdown at work. Given a demeaning new position and surrounded by skeptical co-workers, Amy moves forward as an ‘agent of change’ amid a glut of corporate abuse and corruption.

Saltburn (Amazon prime). Academy Award winning filmmaker Emerald Fennell brings us a beautifully wicked tale of privilege and desire. Struggling to find his place at Oxford University, student Oliver Quick (Barry Keoghan) finds himself drawn into the world of the charming and aristocratic Felix Catton (Jacob Elordi), who invites him to Saltburn, his eccentric family’s sprawling estate, for a summer never to be forgotten.

Below Deck Mediterranean (Bravo) Academy Award winning filmmaker Emerald Fennell brings us a beautifully wicked tale of privilege and desire. Struggling to find his place at Oxford University, student Oliver Quick (Barry Keoghan) finds himself drawn into the world of the charming and aristocratic Felix Catton (Jacob Elordi), who invites him to Saltburn, his eccentric family’s sprawling estate, for a summer never to be forgotten.

Have YOU watched any of these? Would love your thoughts (No spoilers, please!)


This Reno cabin…..dreaming

More photos and credits here

Healthy Lifestyle

On Storytelling

“If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing it.”

— Horace Mann


2024 has started off with THREE solid FOUR STAR reads!! I am pleased!

A Death at the Party – gripping and intense psychological thriller that explores the darker side of family secrets and loyalty.

Black Sheep – For all my cult loving readers!  Thought-provoking and unsettling read that delves into the complexities of family dynamics, cultish beliefs, and personal identity. Dark

Business or Pleasure (warning this book is 90% about… Open door romance.lighthearted and hopeful romance that explores the balance between professional and personal relationships. Love the main characters no shame views on intimacy!

On My Radar

So much buzz around the nonfiction The Creative Act, this one has moved up on my TBR list. Another non-fiction is F the Fairytale, a look into dating myths (intrigued!) To all those lovers of historical fiction, February will bring us Kristin Hannahs latest, The Women (I love the Nightingale & The Four Winds!) A chilling thriller set in Antarctica, Midnight. A long and hopefully quick reading psychological thriller, Anna O. The buzzy, The Fury, a thriller that explores the darker sides of love, obsession, and revenge.

What are you looking forward to reading most in 2024?


What fuels you? Is it internal or external? For me (ashamedly) it is currently the latter. There are many areas of my life that I currently question the WHY behindWhy do I exercise/move? I wish the answer were to obtain the benefits of strength, enjoyment, and the realization this is something healthy for my present and future self. Yet I am not certain this is my current reason (#goalfor2024). I find myself ashamed for missing a workout. Wondering what others would think of me. Will they think I have become lazy, unmotivated, and no longer passionate about fitness? It is a check-in and check mark on my daily routine. I fail to acknowledge my why behind it. On the rare days I give in to the intuitiveness of my mind and body, I end up beating myself up the rest of the day, ruminating on what I should have done. Exercise is not the only facet of my life this affects, it appears in many other areas. Do they think I am a good teacher? A good daughter? A good friend? My own beliefs and thoughts are easily erased by the desires and wishes of others. I can see “others” do not care about any of these things for me, or if they do it is only minimal and for self-satisfaction. Yet listening and trusting myself is my biggest challenge. Why do I continuously tell myself I am not valid, right, or smart? I do know WHY because I have been this way for 43 years of my life. These habits and stories are HARD to break. I have taken the biggest step, acknowledgment. I can see it. I know I am doing it.

I am ready to re-evaluate my life. Find out my WHY’s to things. There may be changes, some things may also stay the same. My wise friend always reminds me of the 10% rule. Do things in small increments, pull back 10%. Give 10% less or 10% more. When I think of my best self, I see one that is assertive, confident, and outspoken. Strong-willed and minded. I am all these things, yet the outside world rarely sees them because they are hidden deep within, afraid to speak up and speak out.

Voicing myself is not only a mental challenge, it hurts physically. My chest tightens, my throat closes, I shake. The physical effects of fear are terrifying, it’s not a wonder why I choose to stay quiet.

Yet I am so tired. Tired of being unhappy, and unheard. Tired of trying to live up to others expectations. Tired of worrying if others think I am good enough. It is my own doing, and my own will to make changes. It is time to start living to my fullest potential. I am excited to find my joy and happiness.


99 ways to creatively recharge (a few faves: People watch. Notice what people are wearing, their emotions, their energy. Create a mind map. Create your own retreat.Spend time with creative people. Ask them about their projects and what’s inspiring them right now. Let it inspire you.)

I love a Paloma, especially when it is spicy

What a stunning way to view the Rocky Mountains!

How to plan a solo writing retreat

Fancy-ish dinner party ideas


These goblets are perfection

This winter white tweed jacket

Intrigued. Thinking of pulling the trigger on this cordless bed/couch vacuum

Love this pretty candle warmer

I love a great planner! Like this one, this

What a great hat for those winter walks

Flameless candles for cozy nights or reading, journaling, or yoga

a great little crossbody bag (looks much more $$$$)

Target has some great new home finds, like this lamp!

just got this $20 sports bra that I am loving! (and its adorable) This one looks fab too!

These sneakers are a steal

Some great pens, for all those cozy days/nights of journaling

This sweater-dress set is a need

Things from 2023

-Finding a fabulous new restaurant and sharing meals and martinis with my mom (Franks, Pawleys Island, SC) This place is just magical!

-hosting my cousins from Poland first visit to the US. They got to see a lot of the east coast! 

-visiting a childhood friend in Detroit (Detroit is a wonderful city!)

-my mom moving to a safer, more manageable home

my earbuds – they got me through so many great audiobooks and took me on many long walks

-riding my bike….to the beach! 

-trying new cocktail bars and cocktails with my two lovely friends (Stay AWAY from Prunella in Philly)

-Putting down books that do not fit my reading mood (and picking up something I want to read)

-a spicy paloma (or anything spicy)

-journaling my way into 2024 with my mom!!

-a distillery tour and tasting

-discovering the creaminess of oat milk in coffee! (perfection)

-long talks with my french pen pal


-giving pottery a chance (fail ha)

-A fabulous wedding with the best date

-hiking in MA

– a wellness retreat (solo)