Healthy Lifestyle




After reading a book about on open marriage, found this great read Scenes From an Open Marriage

Nora Goes Off Script4.5 stars from me!! Loved this so much! Perfect summer read, enough distraction

The Summer Place4.0 stars from me! Again, another perfect summer read!

The Hotel Nantucket 4.25 stars from me!! This was dreamy. I can’t wait to visit Nantucket one day! This book had it all, even a ghost (yet it was done very well)

Dark Matter – Currently reading. Not my typical genre, but I am SO HAPPY I read this! I am about 75% through and it is like nothing I have ever read, in such a fascinating and great way!!


I seriously cannot stand the “Little Miss _____” memes going around the internet. Wow, we are such an impressionable culture!

Love is…..

It is pretty incredible how strong LOVE is. It is established that there are so many different types of love. I find myself always searching or seeking for love, yet it is right here in front of me, within my grasp. Love is forgetting all the hurt and pain and instead only thinking of the fond and pleasant memories. True love , in a time of need, forgets the pain and remembers the joy, I can attest to this. Love is unconditional, I finally get this. I do not care if you hurt me before, I know now it was never intentional (In fact I knew then too). Unconditional love is pulling yourself out of bed each morning even when you really don’t want to get up and face the day. It is the strength to carry on and move forward. It is not allowing the bad times to ever out-rule the good. It is accepting all those weird quirks and habits. It is getting mad and angry and frustrated and then it all dissipating. It is stronger than anything in the world. It is something I have for many people in my life. My mother, my father, my close family and close friends.

I have thought in the past that I am cold and icy. Yet I know its a disguise. I am terrified of being hurt, or being abandoned again , and of feeling hurt and pain. Yet I realize that I can’t have one without the other. In order to feel love and joy, we must feel that anger, unhappiness, sadness and pain. This is what makes love so special. It is bitter sweet, but I know that I would never change a thing about any of the relationships I had or have.

I am not proud of some choices I have made in the past. I am not proud of my avoidance of people, situations and confrontations. But something that feels so good and freeing is finally speaking up and speaking out what I feel inside me. Being clear, communicating. It is terrifying but it is also the time. You are not guaranteed a tomorrow, you and others deserve to know what is on your mind. You and your loved ones also deserve to change their mind, or not.

Love is beautiful. Love is pain. Love is something I never want to be without

I don’t know about you, but I tend to spend time thinking thing through before saying them. Sometimes it is a blessing, sometimes it is a curse. So what does that time allow me? It allows me to think about the other person or persons. I can take their feelings into account. I can ponder and twist around in my brain how it may make them feel. I can figure out ways to present my thoughts without sounding accusatory or hurtful. I can feel empathy for others. I think many times people forget how hurtful words can really be. Sure, it can be argued that it is just they way that person is internalizing it, but still, you never know what someone is going through. The comment about their weight or appearance can be very hurtful. Your genuine suggestions can be taken as they are not doing or being enough. It feels much better being presented with something precisely said (or written) where your feelings can be taken into account. It is time to start communicating and not just barking out orders or opinions. Your next conversation, I encourage you to PAUSE. Think about, or even better, ASK how the person is feeling or internalizing your comment. After all, isn’t that what is truly important?


So cute!

Summer feet – after reading this article, I want to try these foot peel pads 🙂

So sweet and adorable

Loved the book (Made me cry so hard) and would LOVE to see it during its limited time on broadway

Soft and pretty dress

So sweet and adorable!

Love, love, LOVEEEEE this couch!!! Ugh, too bad Penny would probably love it just as much

This adorable straw bucket bag! And here is a less expensive dupe!


How to show up for your friends Parents feel like their friends without kids have left them behind and are flaky. Kid-free people feel like their parent friends only want to hang out with other parents and are also flaky. Parents feel like society is incredibly hostile to them; single people feel like society is incredibly hostile to them; partnered people without kids feel like society is incredibly hostile to them. ALL OF THIS IS TRUE

The Best hotels in Charleston

A fascinating read about THE ART OF BEING ALONE – One thing I do not struggle with is my love for being alone. It invigorates me. I crave it. I need it, and yes, my alone time is when I can be creative. I am sorry for YOU , if you do not understand this.

When we face loneliness in our lives, it is not always possible or even appropriate to deal with it by rushing to fill our lives with people. Sometimes we do not have that option; sometimes we’re not in the right space to connect deeply; sometimes we first just need to work through that feeling. One way we can embrace our loneliness is by turning to the art of others who have inhabited that same lonely city, drawing solace and inspiration from their creations. We can use that as inspiration in our own creative pursuits which can help us work through difficult, and lonely, times.

Experiencing grief of losing a parent? This looks like an excellent read (If you have Scribd, it is on there in ebook format)

Healthy Lifestyle


What was your favorite cereal/cartoon combo? I loved my Capt’n Crunch Berries and Smurfs or Muppet Babies:)


I often talk about and think about our society’s (UnhealthY) obsession with Diet culture. It is all around us. We do not even recognize that we are in it, from commercials to advertisements to old beliefs we were brought up hearing and believing (and internalizing). Diet culture is here and stronger than ever, BUT it is sneakily disguised as health. Those who know me, KNOW that I love yoga. But I am no yogi, I practice, but I find it hard to sit and meditate, my yoga is more cardiovascular and it feels more like a group fitness class (to no fault of anyone). Yoga is what you make of it and how you internalize it, BUT It is very difficult, if not impossible if you are wrapped up in a world that sells it as health, which is, of course, DIET CULTURE.

I understand everyone needs to make a living. I have no problem or qualms with fitness, but what I do have major issues with, is the urgency, the push, and the falsehoods that come along with it. Is health really about adorable (expensive) leggings and sports bras? Is it about the fanciest of all studios? Is it about sweating so much to detox ourselves (falsehood, read some research on this). Yet we listen to the “experts”. We think THEY know what is best for us.

My issue is not with yoga, or the amazing instructors and studios. My issue is ……stop calling it yoga. It is NOT in fact, yoga. It is Diet culture. The definition of yoga is – Yoke, or to join. Not cleanses, not yoga tights, not headstands, not “sugar detox”, not. (insert your yogism here)

I cannot attest for anyone but myself, but I am sure I am not the only one that has struggled with fitness, food, and disordered eating. It is all around us, it is ingrained in our brains, it is those Snackwell

So Sad

commercials back in the 90s, it is Slim Fast and Counting points….

If you practice yoga or teach it, I HIGHLY recommend listening to this incredible interview (Or reading the transcript) with Jessica Grossman (Interview by Virginia Sole). As quoted in the article, “Jessica is an experienced anti-diet registered dietitian and certified Intuitive Eating counselor, weight inclusive health practitioner, and yoga teacher. She is on the faculty of Yoga for Eating Disorders, where she teaches the popular compassionate and mindful yin yoga series. And she’s a co-founder of Anti-Diet Culture Yoga, a platform with a mission to keep diet culture out of yoga spaces by providing training and educational opportunities for teachers.


Stuck on what to read next? let this little quiz help! (And let me know what you are reading!!!!) I got Nuclear Family !! Ooooh I am adding it to my book log list!

I know I am not alone, but I am feeling SO alone right now. For so many reasons that I am trying to work through. I want connection, yet at the same time, I don’t have the energy or desire for it. I am really rethinking some connections, friendships, and places that I spend my time in. Are they REALLY serving me, I think not and changes need to be made?

One of my biggest FLYING fears 😦

OMFG, this ring is on sale for just under 500k. Quick better grab it up! (LOL)

These shorts look like a DREAM

From the Intelligent Change newsletter I subscribe to, some excellent Summer Journaling prompts (See my answers at the end of this post below)

By asking yourself the right questions this summer, you’ll kickstart the inner process of reflection and encourage yourself to seek answers in the right places. The only requirement? To stay curious and keep an open mind about what might come up––because all the right answers are usually already inside of you, you just need to slow down and let them come to the surface.

1. What do I love the most about my day-to-day life?
Having taken a break from the daily running of your life, you now have the advantage of physical distance to look back with a fresh perspective and take stock. What are the areas, people and situations of your day-to-day reality back home that you feel most excited and appreciative about?

2. What are some of the areas in my life I needed a break from this summer and how can I improve them?
The key here is to come at this question with a positive mindset: this is not about listing problems and complaining about how difficult life has been, but rather finding solutions.

3. What are my goals for the next half of the year?
After looking at the current state of your life and identifying what’s going well and what needs more work, it’s time to also think about what should come next for the upcoming autumn season––and get excited.

4. What is my bigger purpose?
Taking advantage of time off to uncover that deeper side of yourself and remember what truly drives you means that, when it’s time to head back home, you’ll be better equipped to deal with reality and in a position to allocate your time to people and situations that serve that bigger purpose.

5. What are some of the daily habits I need to implement in my routine after the holidays?
Just as essential as looking at your goals for the remainder of the year is looking at all the small, daily habits that will help keep you at a positive, mindful state post-holiday and push you to achieve the goals you have been setting.


My absolute favorite escapism is reading. I love books. I love thrillers, and I love to mix in with a little contemporary or romance. Some of my ratings change as time goes on. I notice some books feel MEH after I finish, yet I find myself thinking about them often, even after weeks upon finishing them! So, yes, my ratings may change from time to time, because guess what? We are allowed to change our minds, in ANY situation!

The It Girl – Thriller. Grade B +

The Hotel Nantucket: Absolutely ADORED! Romance? Messy? Grade: A

Every Last Secret – Thriller. Grade: B

Notes on an Execution: Dark, murdery. Grade: A

Mean Baby (Memoir). Grade: B – , got bored of the name dropping

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow – Friendship, fiction, contemporary. Grade: A


To feel alive again. The past few months have been very difficult. I find it hard to do anything that is not pre-planned or routine driven. I feel, lately, all I can muster is to get through my day doing my typical routine. It is boring and stagnant, yet it feels too hard to do much of anything else. Not having to think, or be on, or make commitments, is both what I need right now, and exactly what I don’t. Very uncomfortable times

Dreamy Reading Nooks, gosh, how I want one (Or all of these) someday!

To try this Little Rose Martini!

Dreaming about trying out this little local restaurant

Loving those stained glass “Church” windows!

This adorable AND affordable one-shoulder top

Such a pretty, satin slip dress

Getting TONS of compliments on this easy, breezy little yellow sundress

Classic pearl studs enwrapped in a “buttercup”

My Summer Journaling responses

1. What do I love the most about my day-to-day life?

My early mornings. These are sacred to me. I favorite time of the day. I feel alive like anything is possible.

Coffee – That first cup!

Family and loved ones – I love spending a few minutes in person, on the phone, or on facetime with those I care most about, this makes me feel whole!

Nature – Getting outside, whether it be a walk, a hike, a bike ride, or just sitting at a cafe and reading. I need to get outdoors to feel happy (Rain, shine, cold, hot!)

2. What are some of the areas in my life I needed a break from this summer and how can I improve them?

Social media/diet culture – I have had enough. I have already unfollowed many people and places that are triggering to me. It just feels so good NOT to be consumed with the internet!

Work – need I say more?

Routine – I can get very easily stagnant in the same routine. This summer I am trying (although it is quite difficult with some personal things going on ) to get out of that comfort zone and do things I love and enjoy, instead of making things a task list item or chore

3. What are my goals for the next half of the year?

Reduce stress and worry – I can pretty much put a negative spin on anything positive. I am always searching for the next thing to worry about. This next half year I want to be more aware when I am doing that, and try some positive backlashes to lessen that heavy weight.

Speak up more – the things I am passionate about. I will no longer keep quiet about them. I will do my best to not only speak up but find a way I can actually help (instead of just posting on social media)

4. What is my bigger purpose?

This is something I ponder on a daily basis. I just FEEL that I am meant to do something, what that is, I am currently searching for and not quite ready to share. What I do know is that I love to read, I love to write, I love nature. Now to put that all together and figure things out!

5. What are some of the daily habits I need to implement in my routine after the holidays?

I do NOT need any more daily habits or routines! lol. I am a pro at them, and I can make them last forever! So, I believe my goal will be to keep those daily habits BUT become better at breaking them on occasion, without guilt!

One thing I do know is that I want to “grow” a passion for plants. My father is the green thumb in my family and it would mean the world to me to be able to be good at something he is amazing at. I am working towards this ❤

Healthy Lifestyle



I have such a huge fear of letting go of what I currently do. I can easily form a new schedule, but I don’t want to just pick up on it.  I want to be open to saying yes to more things, even if they get in the way of my daily routines. THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO WORK ON.

I feel torn

I feel torn. I want to do both. Have that new experience BUT also stick to my old one. Is this comfort? Yes, because I know what will happen if I stick to the same things, but what may happen if I don’t/ I may hate it,? I may love it? I may have a great time, I may have a terrible time…..unpredictable. Which I fear

The first step is to ask ourselves, are we really experiencing our lives or are we just going through the motions? 

This is because when we fall into a routine, we’re often choosing a pattern of behavior that feels self-protective and familiar.


What a fun and delicious idea for an adult treat, especially for an outdoor party!

Trying to break out of your routine too? Maybe you can try one of these 31 hobbies 🙂

Oh gosh, this is TOO GREAT not to share, 20 Useful templates for all areas of your life!! (Trust me these are SO GOOD)

Better listening. How often do you (or I) listen to someone, only to feel it is appropriate to chime in? If you are like me, probably too often. Here is something I am deeply practicing. HOw to be a generous listener

100 Tips for a Better Life – Some of these are so brilliant!

My mom and I (LOVE HER) went to see the new “Elvis” movie

and WOAH, it was…..amazing! A tad bit too long, in my opinion, and could have cut about 30 min, but what an incredible story. I learned so much, and it was so fun watching my mom shake her hips in the theater 🙂 The Elvis role was played by Austin Butler, which definitely UPPED My liking of the movie. He was phenomenal. My mom said, “I think he plays Elvis better than Elvis”! I had NO clue that Elvis met Priscilla when she was only 14!! They married when she was 21, he was nearly 32, read here if interested in learning more about it! (I recommend it!)

My new favorite person….haha

Yes to this article about FRIENDSHIP, there is nothing worse than a friend that agrees with everything and has no voice of their own, love this quote from the article ‘If you want to be happy, now is the time to relinquish dreams of surrounding yourself with friends and fans who admire you. Instead, seek real friendship with people you admire.’


Finally, feel like I have gotten out of my slump and found some real treasures!

If you have NOT already made your way over to the MUCH BETTER (IMO) site, please, please, please do so!! It is much better, with so many features, women-owned and created, and has real, honest reviews. It will import all of your reads and books from Goodreads, so a piece of cake!! Yes, it takes a bit to get used to (CHANGE IS GOOD, RIGHT!?!?!) but so worth it!! THEN, friend me, I am @dpageteach, and we can BUDDY READ together (Cool feature!!!)

The Measure – dystopian tale, (but feels as if it could really happen). Everyone on their 22nd birthday receives a box on their doorstep. Within the box, a string contains the amount of time you have left to live. Some people receive short strings, others long. It is amazing to see what happens, the things you would not even think of (for example, what if your partner has an opposite string, do you stay together? How does it affect governmental elections, jobs, etc, etc, etc) Super interesting and creepy read! GRADE: B +

Notes on an Execution – So good!! This follows a serial killer but focuses on the voices of the women he has murdered. Super chilling and an excellent read. GRADE: A

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. I heard so much about this book and was VERY hesitatant to read based on the description “Based on two friends and their love of video games”. MEH. Not only do I not care about video games, I DESPISE them, BUT I am so happy I read this. SUCH A great book. Yes there is some video game talk (which actually gave me more of an appreciation for them) But it is more about friendship!! Highly recommend! GRADE: A

Currently Reading: The It Girl by Ruth Ware, I am about 50% in and LOVING this thriller!!! perfect for these South Carolina rainy days and thunderstorms!! AND because these are HEAVY times, I am going to break it up with the ligher “Nora Goes Off Script” , next 🙂

My mom is currently reading one of my FAVORITES, Sister Stardust (If you loved Daisy Jones and City of Girls, you will love this!!) FYI , currently only $3.99 on Kindle!!!. Can’t wait to hear her thoughts on this one!!


For influencers, and bloggers (and anyone really) to STOP sharing their daily activity/calories burned. STOP, just stop!! While at it, stop sharing “What I ate today” as well, it can be very triggering for many (Even if you don’t think it is!)

ADORING the name of this nail polish shade! (And color too!)

I would love to try my “hand” (LOL) at golf, and tennis this summer. Where I am staying has both! I am adoring this golf dress, looking fashionable is half the battle! (joking, joking)

After my love of seeing Elvis, I want to still see Top Gun, and on July 15th, the highly talked about “Where The Crawdads Sing” (and what is up with the latest controversy??? Read here about the author being investigated in Murder?

There are many things I dislike in life (LOL!). One of them is, SMALL talk, (I also very much dislike large groups, I prefer 1-1 interactions!) Regardless, this game looks like a wonderful way to open up and connect with others, after all, couldn’t we all use a little MORE time away from our phones and devices?? It would be FUN to pair with one of these natural wines, for a friendly or intimate game night!

Excellent method and tips for dealing with that narcissist in your life, Have you heard of (or tried) The Grey Rock Method?