Healthy Lifestyle

Thankful Thursday 10.16.14

I am thankful for…..

awesome friends and coworkers! I am so excited for our (me and Lindsays’) November science article to come out!! I think we did a pretty fabulous job! Stay tuned to see how we incorporate CANDY CORN into life cycles!! 🙂

I am thankful for…..


Haddonfield Fall Festival (This weekend!)

I am thankful for…..

having been able to do a lot of these

Philly Fitness Bucket List:  25 Things You Have To DO


I am thankful for…..

My me time. I am LOVING finding myself. I am finally content with where I am in my life.

Here are some things you SHOULD be doing if you are in a relationship (I love reading these to prep myself for when I am finally ready)

I am thankful for…..


Yum. I love it. Swiss. Feta. Cottage. Parmesean…..I love them all! I think it just adds so much to so many things! Sandwiches, omelets, salads….

I am thankful for…..

My blog.

It is a place for me to vent, share my embarrassments and accomplishments, let people get to know “me”, support others, and an outlet.

I have become more honest with people and more importantly myself.

Today I am admitting to myself that I sometimes want a glass or wine, but hold back because I feel it is “unhealthy” calories.  I am still thinking restrictively.  That makes me sad and mad. I am admitting it out loud. I am aware and I will continue to work on it……..I hope my guilty feelings towards food, drinks and exercise change on their own….soon


I am thankful for…..


Family time.  Making time and spending time with the ones you love

I absolutely LOVE this cute Pinocchio family themed Halloween costume idea!

Pinocchio Family Costume (click through for tutorial

I am thankful for…..

my mother always instilling “Family eats together at the table” attitude for dinners at our house.

I love that I grew up in a house where my mom made DELICIOUS home cooked meals daily AND made sure we all sat and ate dinner together.  I think this is one the best things a family can do together ❤

I am thankful for…..

the way I make decisions 🙂

Are you a Maximizer or a Satisficers?

I am thankful for…..

creative friends, for decorating INSPIRATION!

I absolutely LOVE ALL of Meghan’s decor! I will most definitely be replicating and using it as inspiration!





I am thankful for…..

enjoying to cook and WANTING to make good things to put in my body (and others, MOM!!)

Some recipes I want to try:

Spicy WHole What Linguine with Sausage and Roasted Peppers

Sausage and Wild Rice Stuffing

Winter Harvest Fruit Salad (Can’t wait to try persimmons!)

slow cooker pot roast

PB & Banana French Stuffed Toast

Pumpkin Pie cupcakes

I am thankful for….

Marrying the wrong people 

(Because it brings me to where I am today…….happy)

I am thankful for….

Lily and Olive allowing me to sleep last night!!! FINALLY~~~I had the BEST rest last night!  It was so fun cuddling with those two, they were quiet and calm ❤ (they must have exhausted themselves during the day!)

I am thankful for….

finally being at HOME this weekend 🙂
The past week has been crazy. I feel so displaced, anxious, etc. It is because I have NOT been home and not been able to organize and do the things I usually do to make me feel GOOD for the week ahead. I am really thankful that this weekend I have NO plans (and want to keep it that way!) and get get back into the swing of things….FINALLY!! 🙂




Your turn

1.  Tell us ONE (or more!) Nice things about your partner?

2.  What is your favorite type of cheese?

 3.  What are you thankful for this week?

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