Healthy Lifestyle

Saturday Safe’s and Save’s 1/10/15


I had some pretty incredible coffee at The Turning Point restaurant in Marlton last weekend, so I am on a search for my favorite coffee places (besides Wawa of course) I love Starbucks, but there are SO many other wonderful coffee shops out there, I am going to start checking them out!

La Colombe Coffee (Philadelphia)



Big Gay Ice Cream

Opening a location in Philly! I can not wait to check it out AND try the Gobbler (apple bourbon, butterscotch, pie pieces, and whipped cream)


Yogurt Culture by Cheryl Sternman Rule

I love yogurt. I am going to check out this NEW BOOK all about it!


Printable Thank You notes for Kids! (LOVEEEEEE!)

I think it is so important for kids to write Thank you notes! 🙂


All these articles telling us what we SHOULD do in 2015. I like the spin on this one, what we should NOT do 🙂  Great reminders!

1. Stop showing and telling everything to everyone.

The world does not need to know your every move; leave some things to the imagination. Mystery is good.

Being content and happy with how you perform, how you eat, how you relax is YOUR business. No need to flaunt it on Facebook, social media, etc.   Keep it to yourself and FIND your own happiness within!


I made my own Almond Milk last night!!  It was pretty easy, but in all honesty, its JUST as easy to buy it at the store. It tastes great, but not much different than the store. It was great in a pinch, because I needed milk and did NOT feel like running out to the store in the below 0 temps!  BrrrrrrrIMG_4824


Mmmmm, I have been looking forward to making a warm, delicious Apple Crumble recipe (that is EASY) A great little dessert idea for a fast evening or lunch!


It is pretty safe to say that I LOVE that my mom and aunt are spending more time together! They are going shopping together today. This means so much to me, because they BOTH do so much for others, it is about TIME they did things for themselves and stopped having people rely on them so much!! DO YOU!!! Please!!



Winter on the lake

I don’t know about you, but I am SOOOOOOOO OVER this cold winter weather! Brrrrrrr!

It definitely has put a damper on my mood and motivation, here are some great ways to turn that winter frown UPSIDE DOWN

Today I am planning on making some LEMON scented play doh for my kiddos!! I love how warm it feels when I mix it up AND the smell will SURELY cheer ME (and my students on Monday) right up! 🙂


I kind of want to go  (LOLOL)
2015 Pennsylvania Farm Show. 

The only problem is, it is in HARRISBURG. That is a hall. Not quite sure I would want to make a weekend out of this. I am on the fence if I would enjoy it. It looks fun and unique with

butter sculptures

Contests (gahhhh how cute are the potatoes, and their creator )



Loggers….mmmm hmmm 🙂

I so would LOVE to do this


3 thoughts on “Saturday Safe’s and Save’s 1/10/15”

  1. I don’t go out to get coffee all that often and Starbucks is cool and all, but I’m with you on checking out little coffee shops! :] That’s awesome that you made your own almond milk too! I’d love to do that at some point, but I wonder if it’s possible without a food processor, hahaha.

    The Pennsylvania Farm Show sounds like a lot of fun! *-* Tis the kind of thing I’d love to go to! 😛


  2. I’m with you on thank you notes, I was raised to always send them. Now, I understand what it feels like to send a gift and wonder, “did they get the gift?”. This happened with a co-worker. I sent a baby gift to her house and I had to finally ask, because I was sure it had been stolen off her porch!

    Hope you get a break in the cold weather soon. I agree, it affects your mood quite a bit. It’s always nice to have some sun and semi-warm days to break things up.


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