Healthy Lifestyle

Weekend high five 

I had a pretty incredible weekend so far.  Beautiful weather.  3 1/2 day weekend.  Great company.  What else could a girl want!


“L”s birthday BBQ!  It was a blast finally getting a chance to put the names to the faces. I finally got to meet L’s  friends and family and they are so great! I see where she gets it from! ❤

 Not to mention the four legged “kids” had a blast.  I loved the adorable outfits Max and Maggie were sporting for the event !


Lily trying to hide from Maggie…,it was successful for a bit 🙂

“l” s mom did such a fabulous job with the food ! How adorable are the salad glass mason jars!!  I love mason jar meals!

Don’t forget to shake shake shake!

They even had a hot dog bar (thanks Denise!!!) it was definitely a huge hit

Such a fun day.  So glad I was able to celebrate with my favorite teacher and friend :).

Happy birthday girly!

Ps cute little house warming gift


Collingswood May Fair 2015

Collingswood 2015 May Fair


Honestly I was not too impressed. 😦

I preferred the Pitman fair much more! I think I frequent these craft shows so much it’s very rare I see new things.  Everything was the same as previous shows.  All were wonderful, great, unique things just nothing that really shot out at me (besides the Marshmallow shooters haha)

My friend “r” had much more luck. She went home with some great finds.  So just goes to show you it’s all about preference !

It was mobbed but everyone (pups included) were pleasant.

I enjoyed strolling through the car show. It’s amazing how much time, commitment,effort and money these proud owners put into their beauties.  Here are just a few of the many:

    Great shot of the color combination (orange and blue!)



“Dr. A’s” Mac and cheese cook off and party

Beautifully done once again! I do not know how this woman does it.  With a full time career , two smalls munchkins, she still finds the time and is able to create balance in her life.  I witnessed her out for a run early in the before the big macaroni party began!  Super woman all the way!

Great work to all Contestants!

I left before the winner was announced but my vote was for the kale Mac and cheese!!


Hiking the falls at Ricketts glen

Woahhhhhhh …………….21 waterfalls on the most perfect day ❤

They were breath taking.  I felt like a big kid. I had a permanent smile and grin into face.  Something about those falls and a great cardio moving workout just made me feel amazing!

So I started off all “heyyyyyyy I am going to get a shot of each of the 21 waterfalls!” Yeah, I quickly lost count. There were just too many! 

we stopped and ate lunch at the top of this fall! 🙂

S and I had an awesome time.  He was great company and saved my butt more than a few times  from slipping and falling to my death. Even with my Merrill hiking boots, it was still very slippery 😦 I am kind of bummed, I was expecting more out of my hikers!
We met a couple in the parking lot that were so helpful and reassuring.  We well I was a bit nervous to trek off on the trail on our own.  I am not a great map reader or trail follower. I need to definitely work on this. BUT this hike was a piece of cake………it was so well marked and so easy to follow. Our 7.5 mile adventure was a breeze. We were able to make a few choices based on the difficulty of trails, the adventurous we are, of course selected the MOST difficult. They were a bit challenging, nothing too over the top. The scariest part was actually slipping and avoiding the many people walking by.  We did see a few couples with small children, and a woman with a baby strapped to her back. I don’t think I would be as daring or confident in myself to do the same, but hey MORE power to them!   This by far was the best hiking experience I have had on my own. I am getting more confident !!


His hobbies include collecting protractors……I kid, I kid!! 🙂 

So pretty!

beautiful but BRRRR so cold! 

It was super crowded along the trails, BUT not too terrible for Memorial Weekend 🙂

Pretty cool right!?  This is the artsy side of me!! And No, we were NOT thinking about jumping 🙂

Look how cool the ground is!!!  (PS Thanks S for your patience as I tried to get these shots, even after falling into you several hundred times 🙂  )          

Loved all the natural steps!! So pretty and fun!    


What a great day!!!



I love my mom. After a day of hiking. I came home to this beautiful display on my dining room table!!

Have I mentioned peonies are my FAVORITE!!!




SO those are five things I did this weekend!

I feel:  happy, alive, excited, motivated, hopeful


1 thought on “Weekend high five ”

  1. Ahh, the dogs are so cute!

    AND FOR SERIOUS, Ricketts Glen!!! ❤ It was utterly breathtaking, and such an amazing experience just getting to hike through there! I'd love to go there again soon! Maybe I'll even take a picture of myself there this time, hahaha. 😛


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